
Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Paleo No She Didn't! Featuring Ginger(not)bread and Paleo Hot Chocolate

Over the summer, I got the harebrained idea to start a Paleo cooking web series, and because YouTube is free to anyone with an internet connection and a dream, I finally got my life together enough to put the first episode together for you.

I'm proud to present "Paleo No She Didn't!" A show about how I bastardize what it means to eat paleo. This week, I'm kicking things off with two holiday favorites: Gingerbread and Hot Chocolate! I hope you like it!


  1. Hahah I love it. Can't wait to make that gingerbread. Mmm! You did.

  2. Yep, definitely just watched that whole video so thanks for the welcome distraction from my workday :) I loved it slash I really really want that gold coffee mug! :)

  3. H-I-L-A-R-I-O-U-S! Cannot wait for more videos of you. Hope this will become a regular thing!

  4. i am putting my fucking feet up right now. HOLY SHIT!!! you are my hero!

  5. Yes! More of this, please! Let's be honest...I didn't know how to pronounce Paleo until I saw this (kept calling it Puh-lay-oh). LOL! And this may sound weird, but I'm going to say it anyway (because we're all thinking it and I would want someone to tell me this if it were me) but, daaang, girl, your boobs are looking good on camera. (c;

  6. Phahahahaha!!! My favorite part is "I'm going to combine this so it's... Combined" I can't wait for more!!

  7. The recipes sound so so delicious!

    If you have any yummy Christmas cookie recipes you'd like to share I'm hosting a link up this month that I'd love for you to join in on.

    Amanda Rose

  8. Ok, seriously you are, hands down, the funniest blogger I follow. Loving the videos. Please, please, please:

    1) start offering a newsletter option, so I can be automatically alerted when you publish a new post

    2) start your own TV show, so I have something to fill my daytime TV/entertainment void.


  9. Ok, seriously you are, hands down, the funniest blogger I follow. Loving the videos. Please, please, please:

    1) start offering a newsletter option, so I can be automatically alerted when you publish a new post

    2) start your own TV show, so I have something to fill my daytime TV/entertainment void.


  10. I just stumbled across your blog, and without a doubt, this is not only the funniest cooking show I've ever seen, but the yummiest. I had a form of WLS called a "DS" that requires a protein heavy, carb and sugar low diet, and these are just what I needed! Especially now that the holidays are just around the corner!

    Thank You!!

    Sparkly Jules

  11. Yum, yum, yum! Is there a written recipe somewhere? My daughter and I want to make this for our Christmas dessert!


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