
Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Vlog: Blueprint Cleanse Taste Test

Remember that time I asked you whether I should do a juice cleanse? Well, I'm gonna do it, and to prepare, I tried a couple of the juices and I'm sharing my real-time reactions with you. Ya know, because I'm a giver.


  1. Smells like nuts....bahahaha, hilarious!

    Good luck!

  2. Can't wait to watch/listen/laugh on my lunch break.

  3. oh my god just watched it anyway. You remain as my funniest friend. I can't even pick the funny parts because it was all of them

  4. MORE VIDEOS PLEASE. Seriously. Jenna Marbles would be proud.

    PS -- Down with celery.

  5. I just finished this cleanse on Friday, and I have so many things I want to tell you! First your video is hilarious!!

    I found the green juice tasty, which was good since you have to drink 2 a day. My husband thought it was horrible, and called it "bark." But my all time favorite was juice #2 which was pineapple, mint, and something else. It was so good I'm going to make it at home. The fifth juice, carrot beet ginger thing was also very good but that ginger packs quite the punch (I think that's the one needing the taste test the most). I actually didn't really like the cashew milk. The first night I forced it down, but the other two nights I didn't touch it, I'm trying to drink them now (as each bottle cost $$$$$$).

    I read a LOT online about people who did this, while I was doing it. I found that I became very obsessed with when my next juice was going to be, and could really only think about juices while doing this fast. I also was looking for other people's reaction to the juice. Whoever said these things will leave you full/satisifed is full of it. I would become very hungry as my two hours in between each juice came close to an end. And by my final day I was kind of hungry the whole two hours after drinking a juice. Also the mid-late afternoon time was VERY hard for me.
    As you can imagine my work productivity dropped dramatically, but my brain had a hard time adjusting to so little calories, so it was probably for the best that I didn't try and do real work.
    Some of the people I read about talked a lot about bathroom time, I won't get into that here, contact me if you are interested in more info. This has just scratched the surface.

    Overall I liked it. I liked the juices and will ask for a juicer for christmas to make my own, and experiment with other flavors.
    GOOD LUCK!!!

  6. I love this vlog! Please do more. It was absolutely hilarious! (and more than a little obvious that I was not working at my desk since bursts of laughter were coming from my office. whoops??)

  7. Lol, your video was funny, good luck with the juices



  8. Pahaha....

    Ok a few things, #1 I watched this with Finn because, we'll I can't get away from him... And he kept laughing at celery.... Enough said and even a few minutes later he's like "it's not shoe leather" haha so that's what he thinks!

    #2 not to be nosy, but how much is that green drink? Cause that's the dr oz green drink that I make in my juicer and its not expensive to do, also I HATE. The taste of cucumber in it, I even like cucumber si just can't stand the taste in the green drink so I leave it out and add a carrot, then it's actually good to me!

    #3 also I'm obsessed with the celery in it and now I add it to most juices I make, I make apple celery and carrot for the boys

    Also I love your glasses...

  9. Hahahahaha! I laughed out loud...Scarlett came over and watched too, and I'm sure she was laughing on the inside! Can't wait to hear how you are doing on day three!

  10. I think you should start vlogging your reactions to everything you encounter. K? Thanks.

  11. Hilarious! I would leave something specific but you won't care anyways. (my fave) :)

  12. smells like nuts, lol. Totally love this. Fabulous post, love. If you get a sec, I'd love to hear your thoughts on my latest. xo


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