Wednesday, September 15, 2010

cupcakebakeries Daily

Social media is running about as rampant as a herpes outbreak in a freshman-year dorm. Just like the venereal disease plaguing 2 out of 5 people, it seems there's no end in sight.

I just discovered that Cupcakes Take the Cake has recently unveiled a new online news site of all things cupcake (isn't that what the blog is for...?) called cupcakebakeries Daily

I don't exactly get how it works, but from what I can gather, it seems like a place to aggregate all cupcake news you'd ever want in one place.

I'd love to get some more clarity around this concept. CTTC, can you provide a bit more insight??

1 comment:

Nichelle said...

It's Nichelle from Cupcakes Take The Cake. The Cupcake Bakeries is an aggregation of tweets from cupcake bakeries. It is a new, cool free tool by and I created the Daily by using a the Twitter List of cupcake bakeries on Twitter. so far, there are 302 cupcake bakeries on Twitter. I don't know the algorithm, but I guess the most popular tweets are on the "front page". Hopefully this is a good enough explanation.

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