Thursday, October 15, 2009

Cute Kid's Cupcake Costume Stolen by Cake Coinessuer, Ends in Tears

Washington, D.C.- Halloween: a child's sugar-coated dream come true or a nightmare on Elm-o street? Unfortunately, for parents in the sleepy town of...Dupont Circle, life truly is but a dream.

The terror began yesterday when Suzie Homacher put the finishing touches on her 6-year-old daughter Candy's Halloween costume.

"I got the costume idea from a Food Network magazine," the German-born Mrs. Homacher said through sobs. "She was so excited. She even took it with her to school."

Unfortunately, Candy's cupcake costume would never make it home from her cubby hole that day. It was after recess, but before nap time, when Candy when to grab her 2 PM blue raspberry Dum-Dum that she realized something was terribly wrong.

                                                                                      Photo via Suzie Homacher

"She was crying and saying something about her cupcake being gone," recalled school principal Frank N. Stein. "I just assumed one of the other kids took her Little Debbie, gave her a pat on the back and told her to move along. Dear God, what have I done?!" he lamented Thursday afternoon.

The normally bubbly 6-year-old is now a shell of her former self, say neighbors.

"She hasn't eaten a cupcake since the incident," her mother said. "And she keeps saying something about Lady Gaga. We just can't figure it out."

The thief remains on the loose, but local police warn parents and children to be on the lookout for any suspicious activity and Lady Gaga fans everywhere.

As for Candy, she'll be trick-or-treating this year, but instead of a cupcake, she'll be dressed as a dentist.

"It was difficult, but I think we've learned our lesson," said Mrs. Homacher. "I think we've learned our lesson."


Jada said...

Ha so funny. By the way, this is perfect for your kitchen:

CupcakesOMG! said...

WHOAAAAAA that's awesome!!! too bad it's sold!

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