
Thursday, March 14, 2013

Liquid Health (A.K.A. Vegetables for Busy F*cking People)

I'm a pretty fucking busy person. Between the full-time job, wedding planning, getting my roots touched up every 4 weeks, and recently being elected Pope, I have a lot going on, which means I don't often have time to squeeze in the preparation and/or eating of 8+ pounds of vegetables. This is why juicing is awesome.
Now, I don't have a proper juicer, but ever since I did the Blueprint Cleanse, I've been obsessed with getting one. Until then, my Vitamix makes a pretty decent substitute, though straining it is kind of a pain in the ass. It's struggles like these that build character a sense of entitlement.
I actually like this green juice better than BPC's. I think it's because I threw in some more green apple and lime, making it slightly sweeter and more refreshing tasting and less tomato juice-without-the-tomato tasting. If you're still not into it, add a little pineapple for extra sweetness/more deliciousness. It's probably good for you, I dunno.
Also nice about making your own juice at home? It's more cost effective. Of course, it took me about 45 minutes to make this (did you read that part about making it in my Vitamix and straining it??!) and given how effing busy I am, I figure the ROI on making my own juice is currently negative dollars, but if somebody wants to get me the juicer we registered for, I'm fairly to moderately certain I'll break even.

CupcakesOMG!'s Green Juice
Makes about 8 glasses of juice

  • 2 cups kale
  • 2 cups spinach
  • 2 green apples, chopped
  • 1 lime
  • 1/2 inch of ginger (more/less if you like)
  • 3 stalks celery, roughly chopped
  • 1 cucumber, chopped into chunks
  • water
Dump everything in the blender (or juice, you lucky S.O.B.) and fill about 3/4 full with water. Blend on high for as long as it takes to liquify everything (about 3 minutes). Using a nut milk bag or a mesh sieve, strain juice from pulp. Serve over ice and with a wedge of lime.


  1. Whenever I make GMs I notice almost immediately how much brighter my skin looks! This looks very refreshing with the lime.

  2. Yay green drink! U do need a juicer stat! I have the breville juice fountain too and u will LOVE! You were right, i lasted 3 day son my juice cleanse haha

    Ps congrats on being the new pope

  3. Why juice instead of drinking it as a smoothie?

  4. Ah, look how Spring DC looks right now with those flowers. I believe snow was all over that ish like a week ago. I got a juicer from my brother for Christmas and it's pretty awesome, although I spend a LOT OF F*&^%&^% time cleaning that thing since we don't have a dishwasher, so, my ROI is about as negative as yours right now. Will check out your registry now and then make one for my future

  5. I basically don't eat fruits and veggies unless they're in my daily green smoothie...which I haven't been drinking since my blender just broke so you're lucky you at least have a working machine!! Silver lining?

  6. LOL you lost me at "STRAINING". NO THANKS.

    I love smoothies/juices but just the thought of washing/prepping all of the fruits/veggies and then juicing/blending them, then washing (ugh washing juicers is the worst) and cleaning up... ugh. Just buying it pre-made is so much easier.

  7. hahaha, loooove this title. Can't wait to try this! If you get a moment, I'd love if you'd enter my latest giveaway. xo

  8. I have yet to join the juicing craze but this def makes me interested. I just love munching on food too much though!

  9. that looks really good! im gonna try it!

  10. All I want in life is a juicer and a standing microderm appointment with an esthetician.

  11. I am dying for a juicer but I have too many kitchen gadgets as it is. I'm just a tiny bit obsessed with Williams-Sonoma.

    I'm starting the Blueprint Cleanse tomorrow and just watched your video which is fantastic. I'm actually kind of excited to drink those green juices now. Thanks!

  12. Looks delicious, so glad that this can be done in a blender!
    Can't wait to try this.


  13. What Annalilly said -- why not just smoothize it? Smoothies are so delicious and if I'm not mistaken - retain all the vitamins that are lost in the juicing process.


  14. Looks pretty and sounds delicious!


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