
Tuesday, January 10, 2012

TwoFaced Tuesday: Dill

Remember that time I made sweet potato chips? It was like, yesterday. Whatever. So anyway, I posed a question to you: what is a chip without dip? Nothing. The answer is nothing. 

I don't know if it's the new year's resolutions or the constant shoving of my paleo ideals down everyone's throats, but lately, it seems like everyone is giving the paleo lifestyle a whirl. Because I know there are many of you who are getting antsy at the thought of another meal of chicken and broccoli (which is absurd btw, when Jenna and I have a plethora of amazing paleo dishes to try), I thought this chip and dip recipe would be the breath of fresh air your diet probably so desperately needs.

There's a small caveat to this dip, though, I'll be honest. Anyone who knows anything about paleo knows that strict practitioners abstain from all dairy (which is why we paleo-ers swear by coconut and almond milk). Okay, so now that we're straight on that, this recipe does call for Greek yogurt. Full fat Greek yogurt, of course, but dairy nevertheless. That said, this dip is still a pretty good excuse for more of a "primal" paleo lifestyle, but if it's too wild for your taste, consider swapping the cup of yogurt for about 1/4 cup of coconut milk instead. Everything CAN work out, you guys.
For this week's TwoFaced challenge, Jenna and I decided it was time to feature an herb. Somehow we ended up with dill, so clearly the dip has dill in it. Don't believe me? Please refer to the photo below:
Ha HA, sucker!! A quick mash of your ingredients later and voila! Dip!
There's clearly tons of things you could eat this with--carrots, cucumber, bell peppers, cherry tomatoes--but the crispy sweet potato chips I made seemed like the perfect pairing.
Hand to God, you could serve this at your Superbowl party and nobody would ever know you were feeding them "health food." I dare you to pull it off this year. 

I double-dog dare you.

For more dill goodness, make sure to check out Jenna's TwoFaced recipe!

Avocado Dill Dip

  • 1-2 avocados
  • 1 cup Greek yogurt (or about 1/4 cup coconut milk)
  • 2 tablespoons lemon juice
  • 1 tablespoon fresh chives, finely chopped
  • 1 teaspoon dried dill
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • 1 teaspoon garlic powder
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  1. Pit avocados. 
  2. Add the rest of the ingredients to the avocados. Mash with a fork until everything is well incorporated, and, um, mashed.
  3. Serve with homemade sweet potato chips or fresh veggies.


  1. I really want a mandolin slicer, photos in the daylight, a stack of sweet potato chips, that really cute little white paper bag, and a bowl of that dip to my face.

  2. God this looks so delicious. You make paleo look good, girl.

    Oh, wait! I may have just gotten inspiration for what to name your fans! Maybe something Caveman related!

  3. Oh my goodness! this looks absolutely delish! You are convincing me to go Paleo hehe ;)

  4. Looks delicious! Will these keep well if I make it a day before an event?

    1. Unfortunately no the chips should be eaten immediately. But the dip will last for several days in the fridge


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